
促进多样性和包容性对话:布兰卡·洛佩兹, 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Diversity Ambassador


We are living in a time where diversity and inclusion initiatives are finally receiving the spotlight they deserve in organizations. 在BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台基金会, we have had one of those critical initiatives in place through our Diversity Ambassadors program. 分享她作为多元化大使的经历, 我们联系了布兰卡·洛佩兹, 仲量联行总经理助理, 要进行深入的对话.

Blanca, you got into the Diversity Ambassador program via a youth motivation career day. 谈谈你的背景, what drew you towards becoming a Diversity Ambassador for 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 and your experience with the program?

布兰卡:  当时我正处于职业生涯的转折点, 我需要找到一条能让我成长和提高技能的职业道路吗.  我决定离开以前的工作,去追求更好、更大的机会. 我没有一个可以依靠的关系网,所以我必须真正地把自己放在那里. 我记得我每天花好几个小时寻找、申请和安排面试等等. 我的任务是找份工作, 经过多次面试和拒绝之后, 我进入了商业地产行业.

I have been fortunate enough to have found an organization like JLL where I feel appreciated and valued. I also had the opportunity to work with amazing professionals like my first manager in the industry – Heather Spearman, 执行副总裁兼运营总监, 仲量联行中西部物业管理公司. 我钦佩希瑟,从她身上学到了很多东西. 我今天对这个行业的了解都是因为她.

我相信有一个经理或导师能看到你的潜力, who takes the time to help you flourish and shape you to be the best version is fundamental in any industry. 有了正确的指导、毅力和决心,你就能成功.

I started as a property administrator seven years ago and I enjoy all the aspects of this industry from operations and construction to the interaction with so many professionals from all backgrounds.

Falling into the commercial real estate industry was a blessing in disguise and it is one of the best things that happened to me and my family. 我希望能够与他人分享我的经历,包括我的挣扎. 尤其是对那些正在努力找工作或感到迷茫的人.  I am hoping that my professional journey can provide some useful insight to another striving professional.


作为拉丁裔第一代移民, I have lived and seen the struggles of underrepresented groups trying to progress and provide a better future for their families. 我心里一直觉得我是要帮助别人的.

Sometimes life and work do not allow us to make room for reflection and to get out there in search of our purpose. 现在, 作为三个敬仰我的小女孩的妈妈, 寻找人生目标的需要一直萦绕在我的脑海里. 我想让我的女儿们为我感到骄傲. 我想让他们过有意义的生活, 相信传递爱的艺术,同时也接受自己的拉丁身份. After all, you can do a lot of great things, but what’s the point if you are not giving back?

去年, 我联系了杰奎琳·马登, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台BOMA的教育主任,并安排了一次会面.  What I thought it will be an intimidating meeting, turned out to be an empowering session. 我一边喝咖啡,一边和她分享我的事业和个人目标.  我怎么强调都不为过, 有杰琳或希瑟这样的人的重要性, 他们拥抱你的身份,愿意帮助你成长! 我永远不会忘记和杰斯林的那次会面, 我觉得她不知道, 但她帮助我找到了我的“为什么”.

这次会议导致了特蕾莎·阿马洛的另一次授权会议, 世邦魏理仕高级房地产经理, 以及后来我作为BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台多元化大使的经历.  回想起来,老实说,在那一刻,我想“这真的发生在我身上吗? 这样的事情不会发生在我这样的人身上。”.

There was this positive domino effect happening in my professional career and I could not be more grateful. Meeting Jaclynne and Teresa gave me motivation and confidence that I needed at the time to make some professional growing decisions. I decided to become a member of the 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 Diversity Committee and dedicate my time and commitment to provide opportunities for professional growth of underrepresented groups in the commercial real estate industry. 考虑到我们目前的种族不平等状况, 成为一名多元化大使可以帮助我们的社区成长, 一起学习, 最重要的是拥抱多样性.

我知道作为一个学生,你面临着一系列独特的挑战. 你能说说你的背景吗?

绝对. 我在13岁的时候搬到了美国,当时我对美国语言一无所知.  很难调整和适应,当然我也有自己的挣扎. 我上的是罗斯福高中,后来从迈阿密大学毕业.

虽然我是个优等生, not having the right guidance or mentorship made the process of growing up a bit more challenging. 有一个 伦理 西班牙裔和黑人社区在教育程度上的差距.  十大网赌靠谱网址 like the Youth Motivation Career Day can have a positive outcome on someone’s young life. Perhaps, I would have started in this industry sooner, if I had this resource available.

Some students are not aware of the different professional career paths in commercial real estate.  When I met with Teresa and she shared her vision of the Youth Motivation event with me, 我知道我想参与其中. 我知道这是一个我注定要参与的机会. 我对自己说. “哦,是的,我想这么做. 这是我的下一个阶段,我真的很想投入其中.”  

What are some of the favorite events and experiences that you have had in relation to the Diversity Ambassadors program?

青年激励事业日绝对是我的最爱. 我招募了我的总工程师Scott Lilja来参与这个伟大的经历. It was a nerve-wracking experience for Scott and me because we had to speak to several students in a big auditorium. 这绝对是一次职业成长的经历, 因为我学会了提高我的公共演讲技巧.

我想我能够和一些学生建立联系,甚至引起他们的兴趣. I learned that most students think of the commercial real estate industry as male-dominated, 到处都是经纪人. 很高兴让他们知道它不仅仅是这样,它涉及到工程师, 架构师, 所有不同的建筑行业等等.  让他们知道他们有很多选择,这让他们大开眼界.

When asked what they wanted to do after high school; some students said, “我想,我会去上大学,也许会成为一名律师.“我告诉他们,”你知道,还有其他很好的职业可供选择. 你可以成为工程师、物业经理、电工、估价师等.”

知道有其他可实现的职业选择是有价值的信息. 攻读法律学位令人印象深刻, 但是当你没有十大网赌靠谱网址平台的时候, 这个梦想可能会变得遥不可及.

I believe that our goal as a Diversity Ambassador is to give hope and inspire them to be successful. If I can get one student to think about a career in this field from those kinds of conversations, 那我就知道我有影响力了. 事实上,在活动结束时,一个学生走过来对我说, “我爸爸是做建筑的,我也想进入这个领域.” 这是值得的!

总的来说,这次活动不仅激励了我,也激励了我的总工程师.  他肯定受到了鼓舞,并希望继续参与这样的活动.

You mentioned how you liked the Diversity Ambassador program because it works with your timeframe as a working mom. 从你的角度来看, what are some of the things that potential new Diversity Ambassadors should consider in terms of the time commitment?

While it can demand a decent amount of time, it is essential to know that time is flexible. If you are in a stage in your career where you feel that you want to be part of something, 寻找你的目标, 或者只是向业内其他专业人士学习, 多元化大使项目是为你准备的.

Not only do I get to share my experiences with young adults in hope to inspire them or give them valuable information, 我也去上班, 合作, 并向该领域的其他专业人士学习.  成为一名多元化大使对我来说非常棒,部分原因是灵活性.  我选择参加那些适合我工作和妈妈日程安排的活动. 我仍然能够回馈我们的社区.


A Diversity Ambassador can do a variety of things – from volunteering to secure sponsors for events, 对简历进行反馈, putting a presentation together or simply having a meaningful conversation with a recent graduate/high school student about their goals and providing them with insight.  I like to think of it as an investment you can give to your own professional and personal growth.


很容易! 只是 填写一份在线表格 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台将为您提供合适的学习环境.

If you’re passionate about ensuring that diversity and inclusion efforts are continually strengthened in our industry, 迈出第一步 今天申请成为多元化大使! 如有疑问,请联系 Jaclynne Madden,教育总监 jmadden@daves-studio.com or (312) 870-9608.